GLOBE was initiated at an interdisciplinary workshop held at Tongji University, Shanghai, China co-organized by members of the Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS) and the International Joint Research Center for Engineering Reliability and Stochastic Mechanics (CERSM) at Tongji University.
The Joint Committee on the GLOBE Consensus was subsequently launched by the Liaison Committee of six of the largest international associations active in the civil engineering sector (RILEM, IABSE, fib, CIB, ECCS and IASS).
The GLOBE working team operated under the direction of Prof. Michael Havbro Faber, Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University, Denmark, President of the Joint Committee on Structural Safety and initiator of GLOBE, assisted by Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfram Schmidt, Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und -prufung (BAM), Berlin, Germany, and Prof. Dr. Karen Scrivener, Head of Laboratory of Construction Materials at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

1st June 2019, Tongji University, Shanghai, China